Tuesday, August 31, 2010


School is a bore
kinda slow at times
just want to scream and tear it down
to many adults flaring  there mouths at times
school is exciting!
I'm always excited to go
I want to learn so bad i just want to rush to class!
school is not a bore its a bundle of joy
get to see kids i really don't get to see and i talk with them!
teachers are helpful I just want to give them all a big sticker!
I cant wait for school!!!!!!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Bravery is not doing stupid things for people.

Its not beating up a person that's older than you.

Bravery is not stealing someones car.

Bravery is doing whats right.

When people want to do something stupid you don't.

Its doing what you believe in no matter how many people are against you.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


hazelwoodcbenson.blogspot.comImagination is fun but cant be tamed.                                                                                                                                    

Imagination can be what u want it to be.                                                                                                                                                  Untamed and unbelievable.
  Imagination is not only in the brain but every where u want it to be.                                                      
Its a blank canvas but can be turned into your best piece of art. 

It flows with ideas and colors and everything u want it to have.

a world created by you.
                                    That's imagination.