Tuesday, October 19, 2010

reading and writing not done because computer deleted some of it

         Reading and writing is another dimension for your mind. Action,drama,and mystery all these things set you over the seat that is pressuring you to read about. It's like a simulation but, you use your brain instead of technology.
       So far I've learned that reading and writing is knowledge,entertaining,and key to a successful life. Eminem for example he dropped out of school,but since he reads and loves to write he is successful and rich, to this day.
        Writing is a wave in the water . When I write the words just flow, and connect to the body of the type of writing. I feel unstoppable when I write I'm in charge. I write because I want to be heard and recognized in this world,and I feel this is how I do it. Writing is very important to me, I love it more than most things I do
        Some of the failures I had with reading is not finishing a book,because I didn't like it. At that point I just got tired of it,and decided to just stop reading. This year my comm. Skills teacher has encouraged me to read. Now any book I get I want to finish it till the end. That as helped me my sri score get even higher.
         A negative memory is when I'm looking for something to read at the library and every book I ask for, its checked out. I wouldn't want to read at that point because every book I had some one else had it. I wouldn't want to read then, but I could write so I started to write story's and poems. With out that negative I wouldn't have this positive, of being a writer.
These two things are my passions, I enjoy doing them both.When I do them they just make me want to smile.

1 comment:

  1. George, you are an amazing author. I am proud to have the opportunity to teach you. I hope I have plenty to offer you as we go.
