Sunday, September 5, 2010


My teacher is fun
she is kinda annoying at times
teacher over powers me
teacher tricks me to do things
teacher will pay
i will prank teacher
teacher will get surprised
teacher wont know what hit her
teacher will laugh on how she didn't see it coming
teacher may have won the battle
                                           but George will win the WAR


  1. George, it's not a good idea to tell someone you are going to prank them. You gave the surprise away, so you might as well give up and go read your book.

  2. lol u wont know when its comin may be today next week in a month or even a different year so uu better watch out

  3. lol. You guys are crazy. Also I was just wondering George, what teacher does this poem go with the most?

  4. George,

    The fact that you are writing about your experiences and volunteering to read in your other classes is proof enough that I HAVE ALREADY won this war. I have you applying your learning to other areas of your life. That is the goal of every teacher. If you would like to start another war, I'm sure we can think of something. How about one over who the all time best character from a series?

  5. Ooooooooooo! I like that topic Ms. Benson, and that one is easy. the best character from a serise is definatly the baby in the serise of unfortunate events. Even though her part in the books are not huge, their always the parts that really make me laugh, and to me the book would seem incomplete without her in it.

  6. no the best character is freedom smith.He is ruthless, rebels,obeys no one,knows what to do in combat,never backs down,and he is a good guy.
